Friday 13 February 2015

Stuffed with Food

Because I'm sooooo into food at the minute (well the baby is) I thought I would share some of my meals I have eaten throughout the week!

I love this breakfast which consists of strawberry, blueberry, abran and weetabix. I love all these foods, especially fruit as it makes me feel a bit healthier, and having them altogether makes a perfect breakfast. 

On the left side is a salmon and ham sandwich with white bread, and left a cheese and pickle on granary bread. The most times I feel the hungriest in my pregnancy is lunch time therefore I love a tasty sandwich. You can't beat a cheese and pickle sarnie but on granary bread is even tastier, and as for the salmon and ham I think that's just a weird craving I'm having because I'm not the biggest fish fan but it tastes delicious!

Next is obviously dinner that I always look forward too. On the left is a home-made lasagna with potatoes and french stick. On the right is a home made chilli con carne with bread. Two both equally delicious yet very filling dinners which is perfect for a pregnant woman. Also both my favorite meals, and of course a spag bowl but haven't quite managed to squeeze that in this week!

Tasty treat for dessert is a steam pudding which includes custard and jam heated up. 

Two gorgeous cakes from Patisserie Valerie which I got from +SouthendOnSea OnSea high street where this lovely cake shop is. I always wanted to go in there because the cakes look so nice and huge from the outside but this time I actually went in and picked out these two to try. A chocolate fudge one and a custard one. Personally I preferred the chocolate one as I'm a huge choc fan but the other was very tasty aswell. Check out their HUGE menu at Patisserie Valerie and see their range of drinks and foods. 

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