Monday 20 April 2015

Delicious Dinners

This week's dinners:

This is a honey glazed ham hock bought from  +Morrisons which was so so tasty! I enjoyed this with a prawn salad and potatoes.

I slightly brightened this photo because I like making foods like this a bit brighter as it just shows the juiciness and texture. The brightness enhances on the healthiness of the foods. This plate full of salad includes tomatoes, coleslaw, cucumber, potatoes, chicken, lettuce, and croutons!

This was a slightly random dish because I didn't have a lot of food left and decided to chuck these things together! And trust me a pregnant, hungry women doesn't care what's on her plate as long as it's tasty it will all go down ha!
Pasta, BBQ ribs and breaded chicken.

I have been craving prawns all this week so that's why they have been in most of my dinners! This is another salad with prawns, ham, potatoes, coleslaw, cucumber, croutons, lettuce and tomatoes. 

As you can probably see my dinners are getting awfully big the more far gone I am with the pregnancy! Hungry mum.

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