Tuesday 16 December 2014

You are my sunshine

Another gorgeous winter day and perfect for a dog walk.
We went to a different park today, as I can drive now I've become lazy and drive my dog to parks now instead of walking to the normal one. But hey this makes the trips more adventurous because we can go wherever we want to :)

Today I went to a park called Scott Park, +Leigh On Sea Forum ,not as big as the usual one, but still enough space for ball throwing. 

I got to take some great pics because of the sun shining in the perfect place and the trees and scenery fitted in perfectly!
-Lola and the view

-I love these ones. 
The bare trees on the left have an amazing effect as if they are ready for the photo and are in their standing position. 
The lonely tree on the right is just so powerful from a distance, it looks as though its the mother/father looking out for them all. (Also love how I've captured the sun)

-The lonely tree from another angle.
Still just as powerful without the sun showing of it's features.

-Strong edits.
Powerful stuff.

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