Monday 28 March 2016


My little girl is getting on to ten months now and she is at her crawling stage and trying to walk. It is very cute but also very hard work running around after her all day! It is that time where I have had to put up all the stair gates, fireguard, locks, and cover all gaps and plug sockets because she goes for everything. She is a very cheeky little girl with a smile you can't resit but to smile back at even when she is being naughty. I can't wait to see more of her personality come out as it is exciting to see what they are going to be like. 
It is weird that she is nearly ten months because you just don't even realise how quick the time has gone until you look back. As I am with her every day I rarely notice how much she grows until people come round and say, "hasn't she got big!" or, "she looks so different now!" and then I look at old photos and notice, but think wow you just go by everyday not really noticing the change but when you sit and take a minute to think you realise how much has changed. I remember the days when I could just leave her in a room on her own laying on a mat as she couldn't move or do much, and now I can't leave her alone for two minutes because she would be up the other end of the room!
Cheeky Mia: 
She is also in that "love making a mess" stage!
She is never too impressed with the swings ha!

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