Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Mummy Madness

So we all know what it’s like to feel like a headless chicken running around endlessly after a new-born has arrived and suddenly feeling extremely unorganised. Even though you thought you was prepared and ready for everything at the end of your pregnancy, then all of a sudden, they are here in your arms and the panic comes creeping in.

For me, I tried numerous times to get my baby girl to latch on to my breast, however after many attempts I had to result to bottle feeding.

When you think you’re ready for the bottle making procedure: You go to the kitchen and realise you have yet to put the bottles in the sterilizer, boil the kettle, look on the milk instructions for the right amount, put the milk in, figure out the top bits of the bottle, screw them all together, shake as much as you can, check the temperature is right, then you think your good to go. But no, why you still have the screaming baby in your arms and your panicking and rushing more and more as time goes on, you search around frantically for a bib and square of cloth. You quickly put them on then you finally sit down putting the bottle straight to their mouths and hallelujah-peace! You are sitting with your new born while he/she happily sucks away at the bottle and then you realise you have no entertainment around for yourself. The remote controls are over the other side of the room and your mobile nowhere to be seen. Don’t get me wrong, it is extremely cute to sit there and watch them sucking on their bottle, but after a while you realise this is the time to get some self-entertainment me time in. However you are just stuck sitting there feeding them in a now silent room.

This is just one of the many examples of mad routines you face on a daily basis with a new-born. The madness is then over for the time being and then the other million and one things happen and it starts all over again.

The best tip to stop all the madness is to defiantly think ahead! When I know she is due a bottle the kettle is now already boiled and has been cooling down for a while, the bottles are already sterilized, and I know all the measurements. Of course the television remotes are now always beside me in reach as well because that’s the most important thing!

Additionally I think you should put things where best suits you. For example I had all my nappies in a big draw along with the wipes and nappy sacks, but I now find it easier to have the nappies left on the shelf instead because it is a lot easier to get to. I don’t think being neat and tidy all the time works with a new born and definitely won’t work for you!

Never have things too far away! I used to have all her clothes in draws upstairs but didn’t realise how much she was going to be sick/wee/poop and how many times I would have to change her in a day. Therefore I found it easier to just move her clothes to the downstairs room so I wasn’t constantly running up and down the stairs!

Never try and carry her and a million and one other things in your two hands!

This Mummy Madness issue definitely works well for one thing: losing weight! Forget about working out when you are a hot mess running around the house all the time the weight comes off easily. Well it did for me-I barely had to do anything to get back to my original weight after the birth of my girl and that was due to this! Between doing the housework and looking after my girl single-handily it certainly has taken a toll on my body. Obviously it is exhausting but hey I did want to lose the weight and I certainly did and this was the reason why.

I wouldn’t have it any other way though because throughout pregnancy I was complaining of boredom, therefore that definitely isn’t an issue now! I love being busy even if it can be stressful and hectic at times at least I know I’m doing it for her and I love the feeling of completing tasks and looking after her as well.

I think you’ve just got to keep your cool and try not to pull all your hair out in the time-being. Millions of women do this every day worldwide and it is an amazing, hardworking yet most rewarding job in the world and we should all be grateful to be able to have the gift of a child. In the hardest of times I think how lucky and blessed I am to be able to have had and carried my own child, and it makes you feel ten times better when you’re having them no-sleep, fed up, exhausted days! 

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